Saturday, 24 September 2011

Prostate Cancer Screening

Prostate cancer is one type of malignant cancer that require early investigation. In medical science, at least there are two methods that can be used to conduct an examination of patients with prostate cancer. Ways, among others, are as follows:

a. By doing a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)

PSA is an enzyme released by the prostate gland which serves to facilitate the diluting fluid ejaculated sperm motility. Basically, under normal circumstances, the PSA into the bloodstream only slightly. But the levels of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in the blood increases when there is inflammation or damage to prostate tissue.
In a man who has aged more than 50 years are encouraged to conduct examinations in total PSA and DRE examinations (Digital Rectal Examination) each year.
If your family is suffering from prostate cancer, screening is recommended since the age of 40 years.

A.S. method (Active Surveillance)

A.S. method (Active Surveillance) is a condition in men with signs of precancerous prostate and actively monitor the development of prostate cancer. With this method, patients do not need to undergo any medical treatment such as surgery or radiotherapy for the parameters under control. Medical action need only be done if there is an increase in PSA.

The patient characteristics that can perform by using this method are as follows:

1. Value of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is less or equal to premises 10
2. Biopsy showed a low-volume cancer with Gleason scores of 6 or less than 6
Gleason score is a rating agency of cancer that starts from 2 to 10 which indicates the aggressiveness of cancer. The higher value means more aggressive cancer.
3. Patients who are sentenced to suffer grade prostate cancer with T1c and T2a.
T1 and T2 is the lowest stage of cancer when cancer cells are still limited to only exist in the prostate gland.

Statistical test results showed that 65% of "prostate cancer" patients who perform inspection using the A.S. method (Active Surveillance) will remain in conditions that do not become malignant cancers.

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